Episode #73 - My Story: Behind The Scenes ~ Janet Roper
In this episode of the podcast I share a part of my journey into true kinship and what it’s like to now be doing that as an animal-less neurodivergent person.
Here’s a short clip:
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Episode Script
Welcome to True Kinship with Animals where we believe we all do better when ALL creatures do better. I’m your host Janet Roper and on this podcast you hear stories, conversations and suggestions on how you can deepen your relationship with animals. by freeing yourself from the inherited, colonized beliefs and assumptions we’ve all been socialized into when it comes to our relationship with animals. As you start to dismantle the hold those assumptions have on you, moving into true kinship is a natural progression
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Join The Kindred Community
Are you up to putting a stop to that tired old cliche ‘it’s just an animal’? If so, become a Kindred community member. This on-line subscription based program is for folx like you who believe we can do better by animals and the time is NOW. Kindred has 3 different levels so you can join and participate in the way that ie easiest for you.
As a Kindred member you:
Get monthly offerings customized for your level of membership
Learn through written, audio, video offerings and community conversations
Enjoy the community and company of like minded folx and animals
Links for more information are both on this show’s page and on my site at janetroper.com
Stories From Listeners
Have you heard about the new segment that will soon be happening on the podcast? It’s called “Stories From Listeners” There are so many true kinship stories just waiting to be told. I bet you have at least one! A story that builds understanding and rapport with the listeners. A story that lives in your heart and is keen to be shared.
I’m asking for your stories for this new segment. These are mini vignettes showcasing true kinship with animals. They are short, 3-5 minutes in length and can run the gamut of emotions - they can be inspirational, they can be funny, they can be poignant.
Does your story qualify? Submit your story and find out!
Sharing My Story
How I Show Up In The World
Speaking of stories, on today’s episode I’m doing something unusual - I’m giving you a behind the scenes view of my story. Since I think of myself as an educator, not a story teller, I needed to be cajoled into sharing this with you. So here goes.
My name is Janet Roper and I’m an elder, animist, podcaster and intuitive practitioner identifying as she/they currently living on Salish land in Montana. I am an independent white woman who grew up in the Midwest and if you listen carefully to the podcast you will occasionally hear that Illinois twang or Minnesota drawl. I purposefully live into my elder hood with as much grace, courage and integrity possible while living in settler culture, and I honor my long, independent-mind-of-its-own gray hair as a testament to my elder hood.
In tropical astrology, I’m an Aquarius sun, Aries moon and Cancer ascendent. That explains a lot!
As a neurodivergent geek I’m a huge fan of dragons, science-fiction, Dr. Who and time travel, urban fantasy and dystopian novels and tv shows.
I have been a musician, a music teacher, a spiritual director, shamanic practitioner and animal communicator. I am now a true kinship with animals mentor, practitioner, spokesperson and advocate.
About 2 months ago, long time cat family member Raven passed away on Summer Solstice. His passing is the catalyst for this behind the scenes story.
The question I have most been wrestling with is, in the work I do, how do I accomplish it as a neurodivergent, animal-less person in a world that is literally collapsing while simultaneously in the unknowing of change?
My Body Of Work
Over 30 years ago, I was guided into my work by a dog family member, Teddy. Since then, with the help of Teddy and other animal family members (most notably the now angel animals horse Shiloh and cat Raven), we facilitated clear conversations between animals and people. People were encouraged to examine their beliefs about animals and practice the ones that truly demonstrated their respect for animals and their agency. As a result, people started disengaging from colonized assumptions and practices. They began embodying the truth that animals don’t need their experiences validated by humans in order for them to be authentic. The result? Folx began to relate with animals in a way that honors the agency of both animals and humans, what I now call true kinship with animals.
The body of work Teddy, Shiloh, Raven and I created definitely blossomed as a labor of love. It still is and yet it has changed. Now I do the work solo, without the presence of physical animal helpers holding space and assisting me.
I gotta be honest, without their support, it’s at times been difficult, wearing and stressful. I know this is in part me getting used to the new normal without animals, but it’s also I did not realize how much they assisted me.
What I’m Finding Out
Occasionally, I feel a hint of lightness now as I wrestle with the question of who I am and how I can best show up as an animal-less, neurodivergent person in a world that is literally collapsing while simultaneously in the unknowing of change.
Maybe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel…….Yay!
Part of what I’m finding works for me — at least right now — is examining and acknowledging my generational and ancestral history. I look at the ideals and values that have collectively served justly and in a unifying way through my family lines. Then I can invite those that want to come forward to join me in the present.
What’s also true for me is that pulling the past forward is incomplete. I also need to reach into the future. In the future lies wisdom and skills not known or practiced now and some are ready to come back and be introduced into the present.
This gathering of wisdoms from past and future and discovering ways to combine them in the present, creates a new horizon for animal/human relationship, which isn’t possible with only our present beliefs and knowledge.
Presenting as a neurodivergent in our society? I’d say maybe that’s the easiest part of it for me????? I don’t know. Do you hear all the question marks in my voice? The combination of my Aquarius air, Aries fire and my love for all things dragons, dystopia, Dr. Who and time travel serve me well. They help me visualize the possible in what’s normally perceived as impossible. Truthfully, I very much enjoy presenting the impossible possible to folx in everyday life.
Why I’m Sharing My Story
Why am I telling you this story? It has been begging to be told. I needed to say the words out loud so I could understand and hear them in a visceral way and bring them to life in the physical world. Thank you for witnessing.
My hope is it helps you understand a little of who I am, why I am and how I show up in the world. I continue to facilitate connection and relationship between you and animals. I support, guide and offer community to you as you recognize and disconnect from the animal/human separation so endorsed by colonized systems. The True Kinship With Animals Podcast and the on-line Kindred Community are shining lights in the world and I am proud to be a part of how they model ways to embrace animal/human relationship in agency, reciprocation and mutual respect.
True kinship with animals is a work I deeply love and am called to do, and I persevere in it while at the same time not knowing or holding expectations of how it ‘should’ or will evolve.
So there’s my story. I hope it has reached you in some way.
Here’s an invitation for you to join me and other kindred spirits on this path of true kinship with animals. My work is devoted to helping you show up in the world for animals from the fullness of your authentic self. I hope this encourages you to look at your relationship with animals differently so that a new place of understanding begins to open for you.
Did my story motivate you or embolden you to submit your story to the new segment “Stories From Listeners”? If you have a story you think listeners would like to hear, contact me and find out if it qualifies!
Should you be looking for a community to practice your true kinship skills, check out the on-line Kindred community. The community serves as a playground so to speak, where you can practice and hone your true kinship skills and ideas, while gaining confidence and support. Kindred is a subscription based service with monthly themes presented through community, workshops, written and audio offerings. You gain a deeper understanding of true kinship and the courage to practice it.
Check out my website at janetroper.com to find out more. The link is also in the show notes.
If you enjoy and/or benefit from this podcast, become a financial supporter. Your financial support makes my work sustainable and allows me to continue providing you with the guests and life changing information you hear on this podcast. Supporting my work by making a financial contribution or shopping my wish list at janetroper.com shows your appreciation and is greatly welcomed. Thank you for your continued support and for listening to this podcast!
Just for today remember: We all do better when all creatures do better. Until next time, take good care!
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Janet Roper
…..is an animist, podcaster, intuitive practitioner and mentor identifying as she/her/hers currently living on Salish land in Montana.
For 30+ years Janet has facilitated clear conversations between animals and people. In her work she encourages people to expand their bond with animals by disengaging with hierarchical approaches and relating in true kinship.
She is cheerfully owned and managed by a multitude of angel animals and several houseplants.
“We all do better when ALL creatures do better.”
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