Hi there, I’m Janet Roper and I’m an animist, podcaster, intuitive practitioner and mentor identifying as she/her/hers currently living on Salish land in Montana.
I am cheerfully owned and managed by one cat, Raven, a multitude of angel animals and several houseplants.
For 30+ years I have facilitated clear conversations between animals and people. Part of this work includes encouraging people to expand their bond with animals by disengaging with hierarchical approaches and relating in true kinship.
In other words, I support and encourage deeper exploration when you are feeling caught between how society treats animals (as animals) and how you treat them (as kin). The result is you and the animals are meeting each other in your own agency and authenticity.
What Is True Kinship?
True kinship is a move away from the idea of ownership of and power over animals. It’s a conscious and purposeful dismantling of the colonized practice that humans are at the top of a hierarchical structure, which by default makes animals second class citizens. It’s a constant way of being, and therefore you’re never finished.
How You Can Find Out More About True Kinship
Congratulations! You’ve take the first step by being here and subscribing.
You can also listen to the podcast True Kinship With Animals and explore my blog.
I invite you to attend the free workshop I’m hosting for those who are feeling the tension of how society expects you to treat animals and how you want to treat them. The workshop will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, February 7 at 4PM MOUNTAIN. Seats are limited, so be sure to save your spot.
In the workshop the monthly subscription based service Kindred is introduced and you’ll meet the co-guides, myself and Owl. You’ll hear the who, what when, where why and how of this the program and how it can change your relationship with animals.
True kinship is meant to be done in community. Join Owl, me and all the kindred spirits in this community of true kinship and begin to make a difference by connecting with animals in their own animalhood.
I hope you’ll join me in the workshop and find out how Kindred can make a difference for you and the animals!