Episode #75: Embodiment In True Kinship With Animals ~ Guest Nik of “the open space”
This episode is a tad different from other episodes - I’m the one in the guest chair! Nik, creator of “the open space” is interviewing me and we are in community and conversation about embodiment (body centered awareness instead of only mind centered awareness) and how that entwines with the practice of true kinship with animals, what it’s like navigating life as a neurodivergent and - of all things - pink, yes, the color pink. This was a hoot recording and I hope you will give it a listen!
Here is an appetizer to whet your tastebuds…..
A little about Nik: Nik (they/she) is a virgo sun, cancer moon & scorpio rising. After longing for more experiences of genuine connection & authentic exploration with others, Nik created "the open space" - a platform where they share their gifts as an intuitive, embodiment guide, writer & community organizer. Discover Nik’s work.
You’ve been hearing about the upcoming new podcast segment “Stories From Listeners” and I’m excited to tell you it’s starting to blossom and mature with hopes of it going live in October! I’m receiving stories from listeners on how the practice of true kinship with animals is making a difference. People are sharing their stories about animal family members and animals in their neighborhood and in their local ecosystem. You’re going to love hearing these stories. How about submitting a true kinship story of your own? These are 3-5 minutes in length telling your own lived experience stories about animals in their agency and animalhood. If this sounds like your cuppa, contact me and let’s get the ball rolling!
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Janet Roper
…..is an animist, podcaster, intuitive practitioner and mentor identifying as she/they and respectfully acknowledges she is on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Séliš (Salish) and QÌispé (upper Kalispel or Pend d’Oreille) People who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
For 30+ years Janet has facilitated clear conversations between animals and people. In her work she encourages people to expand their bond with animals by disengaging with hierarchical approaches and relating in true kinship.
She is cheerfully owned and managed by a multitude of angel animals and several houseplants.
“We all do better when ALL creatures do better.”
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