True Kinship With Animals With Janet Roper
True Kinship With Animals
Guest Angel Sullivan On True Kinship With Animals

Guest Angel Sullivan On True Kinship With Animals

With us today is guest Angel Sullivan. Angel is here to be a light in the darkness, and to remind you of yours. She’s  also here to build and re-build mutually beneficial nourishing connections with people of all kinds (human and non-human). she does that in lots of ways, but the most present in the moment are the lenses of archetypal astrology and a deep and visceral awareness of Death as an ally in life. Her websites are listed in the show links below.

Episode Quotes

“I feel a connection. Not only with that person, but with Life in general. THIS is part of Ordinary Magick for me. When I'm paying attention in this way, everything becomes enlivened and my life becomes more magick-full.”

~Angel Sullivan

“That - truly - the only way this world is going to change (including all the things we are seeing and don't like seeing) is if each of us is brave enough to step into our full beingness and our Truth. That includes how we're interacting with each other (and not just *human* others).”

~Angel Sullivan

Show Links

Angel’s archetypal astrology site

Angel’s VA site

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True Kinship With Animals With Janet Roper
True Kinship With Animals
I write about true kinship with animals, helping you relate to animals through a new place of understanding