True Kinship With Animals With Janet Roper
True Kinship With Animals
Perfectionism Is Not What It's Cracked Up To Be

Perfectionism Is Not What It's Cracked Up To Be

Does perfectionism have a spot in true kinship with animals? That probably depends on your cosmology and perspective. Perfectionism - that’s what we’re exploring in today’s episode of the True Kinship With Animals Podcast.

Episode Quotes

“Listen up folx, this is important: Animals are not an extension of our agency. But it’s so insidious how that assumption sneaks in!!! Here I was thinking I was doing the best I could for cat Raven, having his best interest at heart, and at the same time I was invalidating his agency.”

“Then I had the sudden realization — like a light bulb going on — that’s not realistic. That’s an illusion that points the spotlight on ME and what I want, what I think our life together SHOULD be. It left Raven’s wants and needs out of the picture and assumed he wanted what I did.”

I don’t know about you, but I don’t spider nearly as well as a spider does.”

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True Kinship With Animals With Janet Roper
True Kinship With Animals
I write about true kinship with animals, helping you relate to animals through a new place of understanding